Thursday, August 5, 2010

Damage Control

The burglars may have taken my ice cream and favorite jeans, but they will never take away all that we've done and accomplished here as a community.


  1. Oh, man, I laughed at the margarine being opened. Random stuff, man, sorry nobody was there to help you clean up.

  2. haha yeah, they were obviously professionals! I could have asked a neighbor to help me clean, but I was a little embarrassed, which totally seems silly now.

  3. u didnt ask around who u think did it? u think it might have been some neighborhood kids or somethin, i mean since they only took the toys perfume and dvds, seems like they wouldve been some teenagers or somehtin

  4. wow!! what a bad people!! how could they do that to you.. I told you before that I am from El Divisadero Morazan but I cant support that kind of behavior!!!... ;(.. bad.. really bad!!!
