Thursday, May 28, 2009

"Meet the Newest PCVs!"

Here I am, honored in a Peace Corps newsletter! =)

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

My Peace Corps Timeline

January 2008: I began to think about the Peace Corps and the application process.

August 2008: I started the online application

December 2008: I submitted my application. I really only spent about a good two weeks getting my application together; however, I spent months deciding whether or not to go through with it. I prayed a lot and, ultimately, I felt great about my decision.

December 18, 2008: I had my PC interview with THE best recruiter, Ms. Heather Driscoll =)

January 16, 2009: Heather nominated me for the Environmental Education program. I was so stolked, because I love teaching about the environment =)

January 23: I received my medical toolkit, which was probably my least favorite part of the process. You'd feel the same way after 5 vaccinations, 6 fillings, and 2 wisdom teeth extractions =(

February 2009: I was medically cleared and received my invitation to become a PCV =)

April 2009: I should have been in Latin America by this time, but my program was pushed back to July. It worked out nicely, because now I can be here for the birth of my new niece, Mariam =)

April-June 2009: Just chillin', doing some acting, rollerblading on the pier, hanging out with friends and family, and brushing up on my Spanish.

July 7, 2009: My orientation in Washington, DC.

July 8, 2009: I arrive in San Vicente, El Salvador where I'll be completing my first three months of training.

September 8, 2009: I will be sworn in as an official PCV and serve for 2 years!

Hasta Luego ;)